Fees & Awards

Entry Fees:

                  Trophy Classes- $5.00 per hook

                  Money Classes- $10.00 per hook

                  Expeditions- $5.00 per hook

                  Annual points membership- $30.00

Trophy class must have a minimum of 3 tractors per class entered for prize to be rewarded.  Money class must have a minimum of 6 tractors per class entered for prize to be rewarded.  If minimums aren't met for a class it will be considered an expedition pull. 

Everyone may enter in both trophy and money classes.  This will give you two hooks with one tractor in an event. 

Money class winnings:

                  1st place- $30.00

                  2nd place- $20.00

                  3rd place- $10.00

Trophy class winnings:

                  1st place- Trophy

Class running order for an event

1. Off the Lawn/Stock single cylinder class- TROPHY

2. Off the Lawn/Stock twin cylinder class- TROPHY

3. Stock Altered Class- TROPHY

4. Expedition Runs- No Prize

5. Off the Lawn/Stock single cylinder class- MONEY

6. Off the Lawn/Stock twin cylinder class- MONEY

7. Stock Altered class- MONEY

8. Expedition Runs- No Prize
