

1. Contest is open to two wheel drive, rear wheel drive tractors. (No zero turn tractors)

2. Drivers under the age of 18 must have parental/guardian signed consent. The parent/guardian must be present at the pull. Drive must be able to maintain control of tractor at all times. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

3. All tractors and drivers must pass a safety inspection by track official.  All tractors meeting official inspection must display identification of so.  Refusal of inspection or display of inspection will disqualify eligibility. 

4. It is mandatory that all drivers attend any drivers meeting at the events.

5. No tractor may exceed 6 feet in width, nor shall any portion extend more than 8 feet in front of the center of the rear axle. 

6. Judgement calls by the track official or officials are final and non-appealable.


1. Pulling position will be determined by a random drawing at the time of contest entry.

2. Entry fee are to be paid a minimum of 1 hour before the start of the event. 

Vehicle Operation

1. All  tractors must be operated in a safe manner at all times. 

2. Driver will remain in seat, feet must be in contact with floorboards, driver will have at least one hand on the steering at all times.  NO hand may grasp edge of fender for the duration of the pull. 

3. Flagman, sled operator or official will stop any pull attempt considered unsafe.

4. Driver must be in seat of tractor at all times while engine is running (on or off track)

5. All batteries must be covered.

6. All weights must be secured to the tractor. 


1. Driver of tractor must wear DOT approved or SNELL rated helmet with chin strap and visor.  Chin strap and visor must be in use during pull (chin strap on and visor down).

2. While competing drivers must wear a minimum of long pants, shirt and closed toe shoe or boots. 


All tractors must meet the weight requirements before the event starts.  NO weights, fuel or fluids can be added or removed once weighed in.

General Rules

1. All tractors must have a seat. Seat must be secured.  Seat may not extend behind rear tires. Seat must have a back that stands minimum of 3 inches above surface.

2. All tractors must have working steering and brakes. 

3. All tractors must have sturdy secured fenders that cover the back tires and protect driver from tires. 

4. Fuel- Gasoline, Alcohol, Diesel are the only eligible fuels.  Nitromethane, Nitrous Oxide are illegal.  All forms of fuel additives are prohibited.  No pressurized fuel is allowed. 

5. Wheelie bars: If required by class.  They must be securely fastened to tractor and must not allow the front of the tractor to raise more than 12 inches.  Must be able to hold the weigh of the tractor.  Must use skid plates or wheels.  Skid plates: minimum of 2 inches wide by 3 inches long, 2 required.  Wheels: minimum of 1 inch wide by 4 inch in diameter, 2 required. 

6. The hitch point on the tractor must not exceed 13 inches in height, and not more than 14 inches form the center of the rear axle.  The hitch must have a minimum of 1/2 inch material from the rear of the hole to the back edge of the hitch and must be 1/2 inch or more thick.  The hitch must be secure in all directions.  The hitch must contain a minimum 2 inch hole.  Area above hitch must be clear to allow room to place sled hook.  A clevis will be  allowed on stock tractors and must be made of 1/2 inch material minimum. 

7. Tractor must be equipped with neutral safety switch. 

8. Pulls will be performed on dirt or asphalt. 

Pulling Rules

1. Tractor must pass safety inspection.

2. All weights must be securely attached.

3. All contestants, track officials and pit crews will be refrained from using alcohol and any mood altering drugs before and during the event.  No such substance will be allowed in the pit area before and during the event.  If the officials find anyone is under the influence or in the use of they will be refused their rights as a competitor and may be asked to leave the pit area.  In such case there will be no refund of entry fee. 

4. Tractor must be in the neutral position or shut off while being hooked to the sled.

5. Driver's hands must be in the air while being hooked to the sled.  This is to show the official hooking the sled to your tractor that you are ready and it is safe for them to hook it up.

6. All tractors will be in line ready to pull two pullers before your turn to pull.  There is a 3 minute time period for each puller to hook up to the sled.  If he or she is not ready the next puller will proceed and they will loose their pull.

7. The first puller in each class will have the option of keeping the pull or turning it down and coming back as the last puller in the class for a second try.  The decision to keep or turn down the pull must be determined before exiting away form the sled.  In the event that the first pull is turned down you will loose that pull (may not take the best of the two).

8. Each puller will have 75 feet to decide whether to continue their pull.  The puller will be allowed one such false start.  The sled will be backed up to the starting line for a final attempt.  Minor adjustments may be made in between the two attempts. 

9. Anything falling off the tractor during a pull will be cause for disqualification.  This also includes fluids leaving more than a 6 inch circle, mechanical fluids (water, oil, coolant).  Also including any parts or pieces that might brake away for tractor do to mechanical breakage. 

10. Additional weights added to the tractor may not exceed more than 12 inches from the rear edge of the rear tire.

11. Tractor can be checked at any time for safety, weights or other rules.  Once the tractor enters the track and found to be illegal it will be disqualified and not able to continue with the pull.

12. During a pull if the tractor crosses the side lines the drive will be disqualified.  If the tractor crosses the side line more than 2 feet the driver will be disqualified for the entire event.  If the driver crosses the line more than 2 feet two times in a season they will be disqualified for one year from the date of the second occurrence. 

13. Driver must wait for the green flag before starting the pull.  If starting before the green flag is waved he or she will be disqualified for that pull. 

14. Sled is equipped with horn.  If in the event the horn should sound the driver must stop his or her tractor immediately.  If driver fails to stop the horn will sound a second time and the driver will be disqualified. 

15. If in the event that the sled is not set up right after the class has started the sled will be reset and the next puller will be the first puller and have the benefits of the first puller.  All of the previous pullers will get to pull again at the end of the class. 

16. If disqualified at anytime for any reason there will be no refund of entry fee and loss of points if applies. 

17. All slack must be removed from sled chain before pulling. 

18. Drivers are limited to one hook per class.

Protest Rules

1. All protest must be made before the next class starts.  If the protest is not presented to an official prior to that time there will be no protest. 

2. A sum of $20.00 will be put up by the protestor.  A sum of $100.00 will be put up by the protester for any protest for an engine teardown. 

3. If in the event that the tractor is legal the tractor owner will be awarded the fee.  If in the event the tractor is illegal the protester will be refunded their fee. 

4. If the tractor owner refuses the protest the protester will be refunded their fee and the tractor and owner will be disqualified.  The tractor will not be able to participate again until proven to be legal.

5. All protest will be handled by the official or officials.  All tear downs will be handled by the official or officials and the tractor's owner or mechanic only.  Protester and spectators will be prohibited from the area.

6. All official/officials results are final. 

Inclement Weather & Sled Breakage

1. A pulling event will be called a complete show if 1/2 or more of the classes have been ran.

2. Any class cancelled before all the scheduled entries have pulled that class shall be a rain out.  No purse or trophies if applies will be rewarded.  Entry fees will be refunded or credited for use at the next event. 

3. If less than 1/2 of the event has been completed, no money or trophies will be awarded if applies.   Entry fees will be refunded or credited to the next event. 

4. If more than 1/2 of the event has been completed, the purse or trophies if applies will be awarded to the completed classes only.  Those who did not hook or the class was not completed will be refunded their entry fee or credited for the next event. 

5. Only the officials can decide if the event is to be canceled do to weather, unsafe track conditions or sled breakage. 

OFF THE LAWN/STOCK, Single and Twin Cylinder Class

Two separate classes- single cylinder, twin cylinder 

1.Driver must be a minimum of 6 years of age.

2. Must have wheelie bars if your hitch is above the center line of the rear axel or you can balance weight or if you have an adjustable hitch and it is set at or below the center line of the rear axle. (wheelie bars must meet spec in general rules if equipped). 

3. All drivers must wear a helmet and appropriate clothing. 

4. Weights must be secure.

5. Max tire size allowed is 26x12x12. Turf tires only on asphalt tracks. Lug tires excepted on dirt tracks.  Staggered lugs only, no "V" lugs.  Lug tires may be cut and ground.  No cutting of turf tires allowed. 

6. Engine, frame, carburetor, and drive train must be stock or OEM equivalent.

7. Naturally aspirated only.

8. Engine RPM must be governor controlled. Maximum RPM limit 4,000.  23 HP is the max allowed in the twin cylinder class.  Gear shift and hydrostatic allowed.

9. All auxiliary equipment must be removed (mower deck, snow blower, tiller, ext.)

10. Must have stock flywheel with no modifications.

11. All pulleys must be covered.

12. Tractor must be equipped with starter and will need to be operational. Recoil start is excepted.

13. Tractor must be able to be driven on and off the track.

14. Tractor must have reverse.

15. Air Cleaner cover may be removed or altered for better air flow.  Air cleaner may be removed, must have carburetor intake covered.

16. Tractor and driver must weight in at 800 lbs. for single cylinder and 900 lbs. for twin cylinders. 


1. Driver must be a minimum of 12 years of age. 

2. All drivers must wear a helmet and appropriate clothing.

3. Must have wheelie bars if your hitch is above the center line of the rear axel or you can balance weight or if you have an adjustable hitch and it is set at or below the center line of the rear  axle. Wheelie bars mandatory if more than 20 HP and/or have no governor or governor set at more than 4,000 RPM.  (wheelie bars must meet spec in general rules if equipped).

4. Must have kill switch if more than 20 HP and/or no governor or governor is set at more than 4,000 RPM.  Kill switch to be mounted in rear of tractor to be hooked to the sled so sled operator can shut tractor off if need to.  Switch must be capable of shutting down the engine and electric fuel pump if equipped.  Must be a pull to remove switch.

5. Must have dead man throttle if more than 20 HP and/or no governor or governor is set at more than 4,000 RPM.  Throttle returns to closed position when let go.  Hand controlled closed must be in the rearward position. 

6. Engine block, chassis, and sheet metal must be from aftermarket or factory production and maintain stock appearance. 

7. Cast block engine.  Recast blocks allowed.  Crankshaft, camshaft, valves and bore must be in or close to stock location. 

8. Boring of cylinders are allowed up to .030 inch. 

9. Normally aspirated carburetor only.

10. No RPM limit.

11. No HP limit.

12. Maximum tire size 26x12x12.  Turf tires only on asphalt, bar tires allowed on dirt.  Bar tires may be ground, cutting of turf tires prohibited for any use.

13.Engine and driven components must be shielded. (flywheel, pulleys, drive shaft, belts, engine, battery, ext.)

14. Aftermarket transmission allowed.  Gear shift and hydrostatic allowed. 

15. No auxiliary equipment allowed. (mower deck, snow blower, tiller, ext.)

16. Tractor must be equipped with starter and will need to be operational.  Recoil start is excepted.

17. Tractor must be able to be driven on and off the track.

18. Maximum of two cylinders.

19. Tractor must be equipped with reverse. 

20. Removal of stock muffler is permitted, must be replaces with pipe directing the exhaust out from under the hood and straight up. 

21. Tractor and driver must weigh in at 900 pounds. 
